Getting to Know The Author Series: Kathryn Marie (Midnight Maiden and Midnight Revenge).

Being self-published is something that is growing out of a taboo topic these days. It's now as normal to self-publish like it is to traditionally publish. The avenue of self-publishing makes a wider open arm welcome and home for books that traditional publishers would more than likely turn down. 

Self-publishing has made a home, or rather, this author's book has made a home for itself in self-publishing. Midnight Maiden has gotten glowing reviews on Amazon and Goodreads since its debut, and its sequel Midnight Revenge which releases May 25th, 2021, has gotten at least two on Goodreads so far. It is a fantastic book, and I encourage everyone to support Kathryn Marie and her Midnight Series. They are amazing, and She is amazing. You can check Kathryn Marie out on her Instagram. 

Please enjoy this interview with Kathryn Marie, author of Midnight Maiden and Midnight Revenge.

1.What made you want to be a writer?

I had such a specific start to my writing journey. I had spinal surgery when I was thirteen and it came with a ridiculously long recovery period. I was getting very restless and bored, so my older sister suggested that, since I love reading, I should check out a fanfiction website and maybe try my hand at writing. I started with those, but soon after I was writing my own original stories. By the age of fifteen, I was already attempting to write a full novel and talking about how I wanted to be a published author one day. 

                2.When did you realize you wanted to publish Midnight Maiden?

Pretty early on in the drafting of it, but it had been a goal of mine to be a fantasy author since I was a teenager. However, when I first began my time with Ana, I always assumed that I would go the traditional route.  I didn’t know anything about the indie author community until I met some indie authors at Boston Fan Expo (shoutout to Bri, Mandi, and Tabatha!) and they explained it to me. That was about two years into working on Maiden, soon after I finished drafting it. However, once I chose the indie route, I hit the ground running and never looked back.

3.What inspired you to write the Maiden Duology?

I don’t know if this is unique, cool, or embarrassing, but Christiana’s story was originally inspired by a cosplay idea. My best friend, Alyson, is an amazing cosplay costume designer. She had gone to a con as an original character and her and I got into a conversation about her possibly designing an original costume for me. I came up with the idea of being an assassin, and being the writer that I am, I just had to create a backstory for it. I thought it would be cool to give her a name and maybe write a short story to go along with the costume.

I figured, since no one would know who I was, I could give them the short story when they asked who I was. So, Christiana was born, but she was far from content with just a short story about her. She needed a whole duology and I was so intoxicated with the idea, I had to write it, even though I had just finished the first draft of different book project a month prior. She just couldn’t be ignored.

4.What was writing the first draft like? 

    For Maiden, it was difficult and stressful at times. I pantsed it, which I have come to learn is a terrible way for me to try and write a book. I know there are plenty of authors out there who thrive on this method, but it just did not work for me. There were plenty of moments that I loved, and that whole journey will always hold a special place in my heart.

But I’ve now drafted three more books since Maiden, all of them plotted, and the experience was so much more enjoyable and easier on me. Now that I’ve found my drafting style, it’s become one of my favorite parts of the publishing process. Everything is new and exciting and there are literally no expectations. I get to just enjoy the ride and spend time with some amazing characters. It is a rush of an escape that I miss since I’ve been so immersed in editing recently. 

5. How long were you writing Midnight Maiden? 

    It took me just under two years to write the first draft of Maiden. I think it partially took that long because I was working in a very stressful industry at the time and it made it difficult to write consistently. But I also know part of the delay was because I pantsed the draft, which I already mentioned does not work for me as a writer.

6. How much research did you put into writing Midnight Maiden?

Whenever I needed to! I don’t know the exact amount, but whenever I was hesitant, I was on google or Pinterest. I researched an array of things from poisonous plants, to sword fighting terminology, all the way to dress and costume inspiration.  I did it during the drafting phase all the way through editing. I’m a little odd and thrive on research. Not really sure why, but it certainly comes in handy when writing!

7. Who was your favorite character other than the Main Character to write? 
I’d have to give that honor to Marek, who you meet for the first time in Midnight Revenge. I always had such a clear picture of him as a character and what he meant to Christiana. Their bond is incredible to explore and his whole personality is the type of character that always draws me in when I’m reading. He’s guarded and finds it difficult to trust others, but will protect those he loves with his life. And when you crack through his hardened, jaded exterior, he has a wicked sense of humor and a full heart ready to love on others. I hope to explore more about him in the future because I just love spending time with him.

8. What was the pre-publishing process like? How did you get your editors and cover designer?


For Maiden, it was a bit of a trial and error. I tried to do as much research into the process as possible, and I was lucky to meet some other awesome indie authors in the community who helped to answer so many questions I had, but that didn’t stop me from making a few mistakes along the way. In the end, though, I had some amazing people assisting me with this book.

I found my developmental editor, Fiona, through a website called Reedsy, which helps to connect authors to different writing and publishing services. My cover designer, Celin Graphics, I actually found through Instagram, when I saw another cover she had designed. Her style was perfect and when I looked into her pricing, I knew I had to use her. She is an incredible artist to collaborate with. My line and copy editor is my wonderful friend, Renee Dugan. She had begun her editing business after she and I had met, so it was easy for me to hire her because I already had so much trust in her. 

The team I had behind me for my debut release was spectacular. They really helped to make Midnight Maiden the best that it could possibly be and I am forever thankful for them.

9. Is there anything you would have changed about the whole writing process of both books?

Absolutely. Like I said, it’s a trial and error road and I definitely made some mistakes along the way. My biggest regret with Maiden was not doing enough research into cover designers originally. I actually hired another cover artist before Celin and it was a terrible experience that I ended up losing money on. I was so lucky that I was able to afford to hire Celin when I did. She was my lifesaver during that time! 

Another change I would make is how I did my beta readers. For Maiden, I had way too many in the pool. It became way too overwhelming and trying to figure out what feedback was constructive and what wasn’t made me very anxious through the process. I made some adjustments to the process for Midnight Revenge, but I’m still planning to try something different with my betas when I start my next project. 

10. What advice would you give people who want to self-publish, but are still apprehensive about it? 

Do your research and see what this wonderful path has to offer! Don’t be afraid to reach out to other indie authors if you have specific questions about their journey. There are also plenty of indie authors on Youtube, Instagram, and other blogs who offer some great advice about the expectations that come with self-publishing and how to start. I love being an indie author, but I can also accept that it isn’t for everyone. It can be stressful at points, but for me, it’s all worth it. If after your research you think the benefits outweigh the stressors, then go for it! 

It can be a very scary journey to start, and I can even admit that I was apprehensive when I first made the decision, but just know that the community is wonderful and we are all here to help and cheer you on. You don’t have to go through this alone!

Midnight Revenge releases May 25th 2021 on Amazon. Please support self-published authors by leaving reviews under Amazon or any reviewing sites like Goodreads. 

A Big Thank You to Kathryn Marie for lending her time for this interview. You can find Midnight Maiden at Amazon. To connect with or find out more about Ms.Marie, you can check out her website, or go to her Instagram


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