Getting to know the Author: L.M. Quirke

      I don't think I've seen a creator, an author who has an Instagram profile with such aesthetic class that seems seamless and on point, like L.M. Quirke. But not only does she have that, but she also has great captions, posts about book reviews, and her own book Howl Hereafter. 

    Follow L.M Quirke on Instagram under @imquirkiness. 

Thank you so much to Lauran for doing this with me! 

  1. What made you want to write? 

Creative writing at school was my favourite part of any English lesson because it didn’t feel like a lesson. I hadn’t written much outside of the classroom until my mid-teens when I felt this compulsion to put the stories in my head onto paper and subsequently filled more notebooks than I can count. 

  1. What inspired Howl Hereafter?

I’d always thought writing a book was beyond my capabilities and that any ideas I’d had were not fit for an actual novel. A couple of years ago I decided that at the very least I should try and that’s how Howl of Hereafter came to be. After scanning the internet for writing prompts I found the right one that led to Howl of Hereafter.

  1. What book made you love reading?

Anything by Jacqueline Wilson and Megan Mcdonald, my childhood was centered around those books and I eventually grew out of them but I always remember the fortnightly trips to Waterstones with my mum who was always shoving a book into my hand.

  1. What is your favorite Paranormal Romance book? 

The Thorn Queen series by Richelle Mead, I adore anything that Richelle Mead does.

  1. What was a favorite book you’ve read and reviewed on Instagram?

I might have one or two reviews on my Instagram, I’m not the best when it comes to reviews haha. I did really enjoy Full Disclosure which I reviewed this year, the book is centered around HIV which is a topic I knew next to nothing about and I think the author did an amazing job in educating and engaging the reader.

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a part of the bookstagram community? 

Yes, although I don’t see myself as a “bookstagrammer” per se. Writing and reading go hand in hand and are a huge part of my life so I’m really grateful that bookstagram exists. I can tell people about my books, discover new authors and books that are hidden gems, I think it’s the best place for book recommendations too.

  1. What is your favorite question to ask in your posts? 

Hmm, I don’t think I have one, just whatever pops into my head when I’m about to post. But my questions are usually formed around how people are and what they like to do.

  1. Do you have any advice for those who want to take pretty bookstagram pictures? 

Natural daylight and more natural daylight, play around with it and you’ll create great photos. You can play around with props too although I think it’s best to keep it simple. Oh, and a nice preset for consistency on your feed.

  1. Do you have any advice for writers who are unsure about their writing? 

If writing brings you joy then do it and do it often. How writing enriches your life is more important than wondering whether you’re good enough. Read often too. At some point, you’ll stumble upon an idea that you both love and want to share with the world.

  1. Are you working on anything new? 

I have two stand-alone novels and a trilogy that I’m working on at the moment. The stand-alone will fall into contemporary fiction and the trilogy will be another dive into paranormal romance. At the moment they’re all fighting for my attention but they’ll all find their way out into the world soon enough.

  Thank you so much, L.M Quirke, for doing this with me. Go check out her Instagram, and buy her book Howl Hereafter on Amazon, and don't forget to leave a review. 


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